Friday, October 14, 2016

                          Manuel Roxas (1946-1948)

                                          "First president of the Third Republic"

   -Manuel Roxas was the fifth president of the Philippines.

  -The third (and last) president under the Commonwealth.

  -And the first president of the Third Republic of the Philippines.

  -He held office for only one year, 10 months, and 18 days.

                                           Contributions and Achievements:

  • inaugurated as the first president of the new Republic after World War II

  • reconstruction from war damage and life without foreign rule began during his presidency

  • under his term, the Philippine Rehabilitation Act and Philippine Trade Act laws were accepted by Congress

  • appears on the 100-peso bill 
In his term the country was severely tarnished by the war, the economy was struggling because of low output growth and high unemployment rates. Production became low because farms and factories were ruined. Production of rice, sugar, coconuts, abaca, coconut oil, cigars, tobacco, gold and chrome, and manganese and lumber was put to a halt because of the destruction of manufacturing facilities. Because businesses were closing, there were no more jobs available for people. Unemployment rates were rising at a fast pace. Education also severely weakened. School buildings were destroyed and instruments to teach children were obliterated. In the government sector, there were too many interference by the American government. Policies done by Roxas were highly influenced by US officials. These policies mostly benefited the welfare of their country. Because of the existing Western influences allowed by the former president, the HUKBALAHAP movement still created immense riot and commotion in the country. In short his presidency or his tern is full of struggles because of the effect of the war. People are totally affected and our country is devastated. But as a president, he do his best to save our country. They reconstruct it and they have done well. But the effect of the war will never be lost in the minds of our compatriot that experienced those kinds of devastation.

"We want to see a world where people will have enough and none will have too little."

                                                                                    - Manuel Roxas


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